Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Finally Medicine in Germany

So after 5 months of German language classes, and patiently waiting for replies from physicians and coordinators alike, I started my Anesthesiology rotation. While the program itself is not very organized for students, there are definitely things for students to do. First let me clear up what I mean by organization. I was rather surprised that after I recieved my "acceptance" for an Anesthesia rotation, there were no further details. Requests for further information were very hard to come by. It wasn't until I met up with my preceptor here that I found out details. There are none. No set program to follow, no set time, no set schedule. Whatever you want to do you can do. I decide on letting myself get to know the full expanse of Anesthesia as it is practiced in Germany, rather than just a single facet. My only stipulation was that I had to meet up with my preceptor in the beginning of the week in order for him to introduce me to the appropriate teams.

First day was interesting to say the least. I had no idea what to expect, and I truly hoped that my time spent learning German wasn't in vain. My first week is in the surgical ICU at the Chirurgische Klink. The first challenge was getting up early in the morning. Since moving to Germany I had grown accustomed to my late rises (8/9am) vs what I had previously done, 6am everyday. But again I had to be there for 7am. I am fortunate that my apartment is only a 5 min bike ride away. I am lucky that the winter here in Germany is so mild this year. I can't imagine pedaling in the snow. Its hard enough in the freezing cold, with rain almost everyday. My wife has been a true darling about it all. She woke up extra early to use the laundry machines (by midday there are lines), and then made Russian Blini for me! She is always so kind, and I am lucky to have an awesome person like her in my life. About 2 min into my ride I realized that I had forgotten something; my white coat! I called my wife and asked her to grab it and meet my outside. It was an amazing picture to see her running outside with my white coat because she didn't want me to be late! I am truly blessed. So after all that I pedaled furiously to the clinic, locked up my bike, and headed indoors.


  1. Awesome, anesthesiology! I've enjoyed reading your blog over the months and your photos are incredible. I'm actually heading over to Switzerland in the spring, might be able to catch you if you'll be in the Berne area. I'm also going to try tackling learning more German myself before I go. Glad you guys are having fun, looking forward to updates on your experiences!

  2. That's so awesome! I honestly didn't think anyone was following...I have low expectations. ;) Are you going to try to match in Anesthesia like you said? Well let me know when you are in the area, maybe I can catch you somewhere.
